Garden Markers in the Edible Landscape

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How to Integrate Beauty and Function: Garden Markers Draw Visitors in for a Closer Look

garden markersIf you are considering converting some of your yard into a garden, or have even dabbled with the idea of adding some pizazz to an old existing garden, take just a few moments to consider an edible landscape design. Edible landscapes are attractive, smart, nutritious and have the bumper bonus of being environmentally friendly. Add some beautiful garden markers and these areas become wonderful points of interest and conversation.


A Few Reasons to Choose an Edible Landscape Design

  • The health benefits of eating local have been highly touted. Eating the fruits, vegetables and herbs which grow in your area (in this case your very own yard) provide added benefits.
  • If you have concerns about the chemicals and pesticides used by commercial growers but can’t afford to shop at the organic grocery store – growing more of your own produce makes sense. You can be as organic as you choose when you are the one in charge. You can also save money over buying at the organic market.
  • The convenience of snipping your own herbs or grabbing a ripe tomato for the dinner plate is rivaled only by the fabulous flavor of just-picked freshness.
  • It’s fun to plant, grow and harvest your own foods and garden markers make it easy to share you hobby with admirers.
  • Lastly, if more people grew produce at home we could reduce fuel and water consumption considerably. Think of it as your own contribution to the “green” movement.


What Plants Work Well in an Edible Landscape Design

  • Blueberry bushes could easily replace the decorative landscape bushes most families use. These plants look great throughout the year and yield buckets of early summer fruit
  • Depending upon where you live – fruit trees can be the ornamental trees that adorn your yard. Plum trees, cherry trees or pear trees all look lovely both in flower and in fruit.
  • Herbs make fanciful border or edging plants. Consider using thyme, chard, rosemary, purple basil or even paprika peppers to outline walkways or planting beds. Tuck in sturdy garden markers so visitors will know what is planted in your beds.


What About the Off-season

You may wonder how things will look in an edible landscape during the off-season. It’s true your edible garden areas will have a different look when they are in full-swing from the non-producing season. However, this is why you’ll want to be sure to include elements of interest which last throughout the year. Attractive pathways draw the eye into your garden. Well-positioned bird baths, trellises, arbors or fountains will look beautiful from season to season. And certainly, not every part of your garden needs to be edible, you can plant decorative ornamentals which will provide color and beauty all year long.


If you want to create or integrate edible landscaping into your lawn, you’ll need to have a plan. Think about what colors, textures and heights need to be incorporated. Think about ease of access for watering and harvesting. When you’ve made your design plan and are ready to dig, be sure to order enough Kincaid Plant Markers so that every plant gets noticed.